
As we saw last week, in Psalm 139, David writes the most beautiful of poems describing the Sanctity of Human Life.
The Sanctity of Human Life is Jesus.
Paul tells us so: “God has made him our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.” And we know that he isn’t just alive; he is “the Life.”

The Sanctity of Human Life is that which you could never take, but only be given.
Indeed, it must be fore-given, as in given before you could ever pay.
Jesus is your “immeasurable weight of glory” for which you could never pay.
You can’t pay for him. He pays for you—he pays for yourself with himself.

You can’t justify yourself; not because you’re worthless, but because you’re worth-God.

David writes the most beautiful of poems regarding the Sanctity of Human Life.
And then suddenly in verse 19 he writes:
“Oh, that you would slay the wicked, O God! O, men of blood, depart from me…”

David is a “man of blood.” He’s even called that in 2nd Samuel 16.
Should he abort himself?

David writes, “Slay the wicked, O God… Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord? …I hate them with complete (perfect) hatred…”

I’ve heard Psalm 139 quoted numerous times on “Sanctity of Human Life Sunday,” but we always stop at verse 18, embarrassed by verse 19.

We don’t know how to explain the hatred.
And yet, is there any other way to explain the hatred?

You hate because someone didn’t respect the sanctity of your life, or an unborn baby’s life, or a woman’s life, or a soldier’s life, or a Republican’s life, or a Democrat’s life.

If you’ve never hated, I doubt you’ve ever loved.
In places, we read that God hates… or at least hated.
God is love—perfect Love—and so Love hates… perfectly.
David didn’t love perfectly, and neither did he hate perfectly.

What is perfect, completed, accomplished hatred?

The doctrine of endless conscious torment in “Hell” means that Satan get his will and God is endlessly frustrated. Or worse, it means that God gets his will, but his will is to not be salvation (to not be Yeshua/Jesus), and his will is to not destroy the “works of the devil,” but endlessly preserve evil in a place we call “Hell.”

We’re commanded to love Good and hate evil.
Perfect hatred doesn’t endlessly preserve evil; it annihilates evil.
Perfect hatred is self-annihilating.
Perfect hatred has a purpose; it comes to an end.
Perfect Love has no end, for Perfect Love is the End. Jesus is the End.
Perfect hatred is the revelation of Perfect Love; it’s the End of “Hell.”

On the tree in the middle of the garden, the Son of David cries, “Father forgive them they know not what they do,” and then, “It is perfected; It is completed; It is accomplished; It is finished.”

Perfect hatred is the Grace of God our Father.
We are fore-given from the foundation of the world, and this was revealed to us on a tree in a garden on Mt. Calvary.

The revelation annihilates the human ego—that’s the absurd notion that you can pay.
And the revelation gives birth to faith, which is Christ in you—your “wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.” It’s living knowledge of the Good, who is your Father and his eternal Word which is his Judgment.

At the cross, the curtain in the sanctuary that is your soul rips from top to bottom, and the breath that was breathed into you from the beginning floods the temple that you are.

Until then, Sheol entangles you…

David cried, “Do I not hate… with perfect hatred?”
And then, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my anxious thoughts! And see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the everlasting way.” Jesus is the everlasting Way.

So, what are we to do about the Sanctity of Human Life?
We are to sit in the Presence of God our Father.
Jesus is his Presence; Jesus is his Judgment; Jesus is our Sanctity.
We love, when we see that our Father first loved us.
When we look at others the way he looks at us, we change the world.

There is something that I hate in my children…
It’s anything that would separate my children from me, from each other, or from the continuous party that is to be our communion.
God hates sin because he so loves sinners.
If he hates at all… he hates perfectly. Praise the Lord.

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