
Major General Arnold Scwharzenangel joined our Christmas Eve service in order to testify to Christmas and the job of an angel: to declare that “every disobedience” receives a “just retribution” (Hebrews 2:2). “Angel” means “messenger.”

He claimed to be one of the “heavenly host,” which means “heavenly army,” and shared just how surprising Christmas was for him and all of the heavenly host on that first Christmas Eve.

He explained that Christmas means “Christ-mass,” or Christ mission, and that he figured it would also mean the termination of planet earth. He explained that he was a terminator. He revealed that our planet is like a little bubble of darkness floating in an ocean of Light that is, in fact, God… and that our individual souls are very much the same—bubbles of bad will, floating in an ocean of Good will that is, in fact, Love.

He also explained that the Lord of Hosts, the Commander (supreme commander) of God’s Army, “the Angel of Yahweh,” was not only a messenger, but the Message; he not only spoke the Word, he is the Word; he was not only a terminator, but he is the Termination—the End.

Yet each time that the Heavenly Host would terminate a city, like Sodom or Jerusalem, the Lord of Hosts would not celebrate; he would only weep… and all the heavenly host couldn’t stop his weeping. He did not see what the Lord of Hosts saw in us… until Christmas Eve.

On Christmas Eve, General Schwarzenangel received the order “Apocalypse Now (Manifest Now),” and anticipated the order “Terminate now.” But instead, Arnold spoke the Word, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news (gospel) of great joy that will be to all the people (not ‘some people,’ ‘all people’).” And then he said something about a baby. And then, “Peace on earth, good will toward men.”

He then, received a second order, “Stand down.”

He had spoken the Word to some shepherds. The Word came through him like a bomb strapped to a rocket. He had spoken the Word, but then wondered where the Word of God went. He also wondered why the Word he spoke had something to do with a baby. Why would they, establish a perimeter, assemble the greatest invasion force the planet earth had ever seen, and drop off a baby? Was the baby some sort of… “bomb”?

In Bethlehem, over a dark little stable, in “stealth-hover mode,” the Heavenly Host watched. That’s where Arnold realized just what it was that the Lord of Hosts saw in us: Himself.“Good God,” he thought. “The Lord of Hosts has descended into the belly of the beast!”

He watched a young woman give birth to the Lord of Hosts. But the Lord did not appear as eternal and consuming fire; he came out incredibly weak and very flabby. And when this young woman held him to her heart, he stopped weeping.

The Lord of Hosts conquered the woman, the shepherds, and the kings from the East with baby power. That’s the way it is with babies. No one is afraid of a baby. So, you pick one up, make room for it in your dark little heart, and before you know it, you are paying all it’s expenses and offering to die for it if need be: the baby bomb. And yet, he explained : “This can be very dangerous for a baby.”

Our speaker explained how the heavenly host watched the Lord of Hosts grow. Arnold claimed that, emptied of his great power, the Lord of Hosts began to manifest a spectacular glory and an even greater power. It shown most brilliant, the day that the men of our world nailed him to the tree.

General Schwarzenangel and 12 legions of angels watched in “stealth-hover mode,” constantly restrained by the order: “Stand down. Stand down. Stand down.”

They heard him say, “Father, forgive them,” and watched evil envelop him. He cried, “My God, My God—why have you forsaken me?” And they watched him descend into the belly of hell.

Then, they heard the order: “Terminate now.”
But it was not spoken to them.
It was spoken by the Prince of Darkness to all the powers of hell. And yet, it was also spoken by God the Father to God the Son—the Lord of Hosts.

And at that, the Heavenly Host—the angels—watched the Light terminate the darkness, the Way terminate confusion, the Truth terminate the lie, the Life terminate death, the Word terminate chaos; they watched the Lord of Hosts terminate termination. The End.

They watched the Beginning and the End and the Way between, all in a singular moment.

They watched the one who “descended… ascend far above the heavens that he might fill all things” (Ephesians 4:10). It was then that our speaker understood: “Good God, the Lord himself has turned himself into the Baby Bomb!” Then he heard the Lord of Hosts cry out, “It is finished.”

Suddenly, Arnold was back in 33 AD. The Lord’s body hung lifeless on the tree. At the base of the tree, the Roman beast that nailed him to that tree said, “Surely this man was the Son of God.” And, lo and behold, this man was now, also, a son of God, and he even spoke the Word of God; he was a stinky manger, and in that manger was the Lord of Hosts—the Baby Bomb.

Arnold speculated that there is now a baby in every manger, but we need to pick him up, let him grow on us, and fill us with himself—he is God’s judgment; he is “Good Will.”

The Lord of Hosts is God’s “Just Retribution” that means “righteous reward.” Justice is God’s Will in place of our bad will; Justice is Good will in us—the Baby Bomb. He is more than “Good will to men;” he is, literally, “Good will in men.”—the Baby Bomb.
He said, “This is my body broken for you; this is the covenant in my blood.” That’s “Good will to men” and “Good will in men”—the Baby Bomb.

It/He terminates the human ego, and fills all of creation with Praise.
Love the Baby, but don’t “worry” about the Baby. It’s just like He said: “I’ll be back.”
“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,” you will see: He’s back in a very big way.

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